Intelligent Digital Addressing Of Nigeria
(PPP) Public Private Partnership with Federal Ministry of Communication, Abuja-
IDAN has taken the initiative on a PPP set up to work in collaboration with the Nigerian government in meeting some of the socio-economic underpinning problems which do not allow for accountability and dispersing of infrastructures – where and how it is needed.This is the pathway for the greater distribution of resources; the answer lies in the desirability of an addressing infrastructure in Nigeria that will lead to social and economic development, which has always been the priorities set out by NIPOST. The country requires a consistent plan for identifying, locating and organizing entities (including people) spatially, in order to generate information for critical national priorities.
There is an increasing recognition that the effective use of address information can alleviate many of the developmental challenges faced by Nigeria. It goes without doubt that currently, the country lacks an effective and standardized Addressing System Management infrastructure. The Nigerian National Addressing Standard and Guidelines provides the framework for a holistic management of National addressing challenges.
A company vested in the growth of Nigeria – we are geographically revolutionizing the way Nigeria is viewed, supporting a safer, modernized and synchronized nation.
Our vision is to create a robust Nigerian Addressing System, digitally recognised and nationally used by the Nigerian people. We want Nigeria to continue to be an African Powerhouse in all aspects, and creating a digitally and globally recognised Addressing system will continue our efforts to better our nation.
We want our international engagement, relations and economical partners to strengthen, and Nigeria’s economy to grow. Therefore, the creation of a worldwide acknowledged addressing system will highlight our strengths and the modernisation of Nigeria, creating further trust with our international partners
The creation of the identification of geographic locations, properties and streets in any part of the country, will help stimulate growth in many different sectors in Nigeria, such as: Transport, Property development/Residential Property, Education and our national safety.
We want all Nigerians to have ease of access to any part of Nigeria on any digital platform and be able to navigate seamlessly.
This project will positively transform Nigeria’s current Geographical standpoint, allowing Nigeria to be more structured and for our nation to be of a globally recognised standard.